As a third document to show how blurred the line between real and virtual spaces can become, this animated serie is perfect. In this story, the first virtual reality headset has been created, and the first game using this technology is released. But as people are starting to play, a problem appears; there is no way to disconnect from the game. As the headset is intercepting the brain's signal and simulating sensations by electric impulse, it was easy for the one who created this system to fry people's brain if someone tries to take it of manually, and to implement the rule that if someone dies in the game, he dies in real life. As the first virtual reality headsets are being created nowadays, people started to work on reproducing this kind of device, and it is not unrealistic to think it will be created in the future, and by recreating the five senses inside an online game, it will basically become like real life. It raises the problem of addiction to this hyper-realistic virtual space, but also the problem of a bad use of this technology.
Just in case, for potential readers, the post on life is strange is started, It'll probably be released soon, and I'll make another post later on sword art online.
The Mad Hatter
OK Gaspard. A very interesting document.